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September 8, 2023 Update:
Upcoming Public Meetings
The City’s General Plan Housing Element for the period of 2023–2031 was adopted on January 30, 2023. The Housing Element was certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on February 27, 2023, recognizing that it meets State Housing Law requirements.
The Housing Element directs the City, by way of Housing Program 8, to review the existing Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and Affordable Housing Commercial Linkage Fee Ordinance to add a must-build requirement for single-family development projects.
In response to the directive, staff is proposing to revise the Ordinance to include a must-build requirement for for-sale single-family residential development projects that are 10 dwelling units or more and increase the affordability term from 30 years to 55 years.
On August 31, 2023, staff presented the proposed changes to the Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) for their review and recommendation. The Committee discussed the proposed changes and recommended proceeding with the adoption of the draft Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Update.
Staff will present the proposed Draft Revised Ordinance update before the Planning Commission at the September 19, 2023, public meeting. The Ordinance update will be a non-public hearing action item.
An introductory public hearing before the City Council is anticipated to be held on October 10, 2023. Meeting agendas are available 72 hours before the scheduled meeting.