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All proposals will become the property of the City of San Ramon and upon selection of the successful proposal and before award of the contract, the proposals will become public record and subject to disclosure, as required by the California Public Records Act.

All bids and supporting documents will become the property of the City of San Ramon and upon selection of the successful bidder and before award of the contract, all bids and supporting documents will become public record and subject to disclosure as required by the California Public Records Act.

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Landscape Maintenance Services Open

The City of San Ramon (“City”) requests a Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) from qualified individuals or firms (individually, a “Respondent” and collectively, “Respondents”) for Landscape Maintenance Services.  Interested Respondents are invited to submit a SOQ to the City in accordance with the conditions and terms described in this Request for Qualification.

The City requires Landscape Maintenance Services (“Services”) for the City of San Ramon landscape maintenance areas which are arranged geographically as Area I West and Area II East. These areas include all of the City’s special assessment zones within the Landscaping and Lighting District (LLD) (Area I West) and the Dougherty Valley (Area II East), covering a total of approximately 462 acres of public roadway medians and landscaped areas, turf, greenbelts and open space. In addition, both Area I West and Area II East include forty-three (43) City parks and six (6) City facilities.

Requests for Information. Questions or objections relating to the RFQ, Agreement, the attachments hereto, the RFQ procedures, or the required Services may only be submitted via email to Jonette Fuentes, Administrative Analyst, at  (the “Request for Information Deadline”). Any questions or objections that are not submitted in the manner specified and by the Request for Information Deadline will be deemed waived. City will not be bound by the oral representations of any City official, employee, or representative.

Pre-Submittal Meeting. A Pre-Submittal Meeting will be held on March 4, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the San Ramon Service Center, located at 5000 Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583. Prospective Respondents will have the opportunity to ask questions about the RFQ and the required Services. Respondents will be required to sign-in at the Pre-Submittal Meeting and to provide an email address for the Respondent’s representative for receipt of any subsequent addenda. The Pre-Submittal Meeting is mandatory, and the City may, acting in its sole discretion, disregard any SOQ submitted by a Respondent that failed to attend or failed to arrive on time for the Pre-Submittal Meeting.

Submittal Instructions.  SOQs must be received by the City by or before March 18, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. (“SOQ Deadline”). Respondent must submit one original and two (2) identical copies of the SOQ in a sealed envelope labeled with Respondent’s name and return address, marked “SOQ for Landscape Maintenance Services,” and addressed as follows:

City of San Ramon
ATTN: City Clerk
7000 Bollinger Canyon Road
San Ramon, CA 94583

The SOQ may be hand-delivered, sent via overnight delivery, or by regular mail, provided that it is received by the City no later than the SOQ Deadline. Late submissions will be disregarded.

Planned RFQ Schedule. The following schedule is provided for planning purposes based on current information. However, all dates are subject to revision, including the SOQ Deadline, and may be amended by addenda to this RFQ:

RFQ Issued: February 14, 2025
Pre-Submittal Meeting: March 4, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.
Request for Information Deadline: March 11, 2025 by 9:00 a.m.
SOQ Deadline: March 18, 2025 by 2:00 p.m.
Interviews (if requested by City): Week of March 24, 2025
Notice of Selection: March 31, 2025
Council Approval and Award: April 22, 2025
Commence Services: July 1, 2025

2025/03/18View Details

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