Please click on any of the links for more detailed information regarding each individual Board, Commission or Committee:
Available Appointments:
Depending on the Commission, Committee or Board, the City Council or a subcommittee of the City Council will review all applications, conduct interviews and make recommendations for appointment. The final appointments for all Committees, Commissions, and Boards are determined by the City Council.
Commissioners and committee members must reside in the City of San Ramon and be 18 years of age or older (with the exception of members of the Teen Council and the student representative on the Parks and Community Services Commission).
Please review the associated website pages and bylaws for additional information and member eligibility.
Contact the City Clerkâs Office at 925-973-2539 or for additional information.
The Architectural Review Board provides professional review of design improvements in relation to site layout, architectural design, height, bulk, mass, materials, colors, lighting, signage, landscaping, etc. The position serves a two-year term and meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month at 2:00 p.m. May also meet the fourth Thursday of the month as needed. Applicant must be a professional licensed architect to apply. For more information about the role and responsibilities of an Architectural Review Board Member, please review the City's web page, and by-laws.
Positions Available: 2 Alternate Members
Application Deadline: Open Unill Filled
Apply |
The Library Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the Parks and Community Services Commision, Contra Costa Library officials and City Council on the delivery of library programs, facilities, activities, services and policies. The position serves a two-year term and meets quarterly on the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. For more information about the role and responsibilities of a Library Advisory Committee Member, please review the City's web page, and bylaws.
Positions Available: 3 Regular Members, 1 Alternate Member
Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
Apply |
Contra Costa County Openings:
The Contra Costa County Council on Aging (ACOA) provides leadership and advocacy on behalf of older persons and serves as a channel of communication and information on aging issues. In collaboration with the Area Agency on Aging, the Council provides a means for countywide planning, cooperating and coordination to improve and develop services and opportunities for older residents of this county. The position serves a two-year term and meets 8 times per year on the third Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. Additional information can be found on the Contra Costa County Advisory Council on Aging website.
Position Available: San Ramon's Representative to the Advisory Council
Applicaiton Deadline: Open Until Filled
Apply |
At the end of each calendar year, the City Clerk publishes a list of upcoming vacancies to be filled by the City Council in the following year. This is done pursuant to the Maddy Act, Government Code Section 54970-72.