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Forest Home Farms Historic Park is fortunate to have one of the largest antique tractor collections in California with over 50 antique tractors from the 1920s through the 1950s! The Tractor Museum also contains multiple hit and miss engines that display the development of this technology and its impact on agriculture and society in the early 20th Century. Most of the tractors and hit and miss engines are still in working condition. Tractors are driven in local parades and used on site to help maintain the sheep pasture.   Engines and tractors are also on display and in use during large City events.

These engines still run thanks to the hard work of a dedicated group of volunteers who have maintained and rebuilt many of these antique engines from the ground up over the years.  Enjoy walking through some of the restorations by the links below.

Check out our article on Mercury News: ‘Parade-worthy tractors’ on display at Forest Home Farms in San Ramon

Parade Tractor Crew

The Caterpillar Twenty-two (CAT 22)

A most-beloved tractor, the 1936 CAT 22 was restored and outfitted by the volunteer crew to accommodate tractor rides. Click the image below to view a photographic timeline of the restoration.

1936 Caterpillar Tractor giving rides to people in the pasture

John Deere Model A

Another staple of events and parades is the restored 1951 John Deere Model A. Click the image below to view the restoration. 

1951 John Deere Model A Tractor parked in front of Welcome Center