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Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels provides meals to Contra Costa residents 60 years of age or older, who are homebound and unable to purchase or prepare regular nutritious meals for themselves, and have no one else available to do so.

1 (866) 669-6697

Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano

Food Banks in Contra Costa and Solano include a list of Food Bank programs and services available. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they are offering weekly drive-thru style distributions in locations throughout Contra Costa and Solano counties. They provide a box of nonperishable food and a bag of produce for each household.

855-309-FOOD (3663)

CalFresh Food

CalFresh is for people with low-income who meet federal income eligibility rules and want to add to their budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table.

Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa County

Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa County is continuing to serve the Contra Costa Community through "to-go" meals and pre-filled bags with food pantry items.

(925) 293-4792