Youth Resource Officer
The Youth Resource Program is a collaborative effort between the Police Department and the Parks and Community Services Department, in partnership with the San Ramon Valley Unified School District, the California State Youth Employment and Development, parents, local businesses, and the community as a whole. The program was started under the premise of merging a community policing philosophy with the preventive nature of recreation and community services programs. This state grant funded program has a SRPD officer assigned to work with these agencies to provide early intervention and education to those vulnerable youth in middle school and high school.
In San Ramon, Juvenile Diversion begins with an assessment meeting involving the child, a parent, the Youth Resource Officer, and a family therapist. The officer and therapist discuss the student’s attitude, school performance, and family problems. Young people who decide to join the program, along with a parent, sign a Diversion contract that maps out community service requirements and other requirements for the juvenile to fulfill. The Diversion probation typically lasts between six months and a year and often includes a referral to an anger management class, drug and alcohol abuse counseling, or family therapy.
Youths in the Diversion program are heard and given an opportunity to make better choices. When the youth has successfully completed Diversion requirements, his or her case is closed and shredded.
The program’s intent is to offer a stronger consequence for youth crime, where otherwise there would not be a consequence. Youth and their parents participate voluntarily in the program. Some parents choose to pay a fine in lieu of having their child do community service, other may choose to go through to probation where in many cases the crime is just dismissed. Only in the more severe offenses are youth given significant fines and community service hours from probation. For those who choose to do community service, the Diversion program offers a constructive consequence as well as attempts to address any bigger issues the youth may be having.