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CROW CANYON ROAD WIDENING PROJECT (Alcosta Boulevard to St. George Road)

Construction of the Crow Canyon Road Widening Project between Alcosta Boulevard and St. George Road has begun. During construction, we encourage drivers to use alternate routes such as Dougherty Road, Bollinger Canyon Road, and/or Alcosta Boulevard for a faster trip.

This road widening work is a requirement of the Dougherty Valley Settlement Agreement and is being funded with Developer funds collected specifically for this and other Projects listed in the Settlement Agreement. No City funds are being used for this Project.

The Project will construct one additional travel lane in each direction of Crow Canyon Road, between Alcosta Boulevard and St. George Road. In addition to the new lanes, the Project includes improved facilities for pedestrians such as: ADA upgrades, crosswalk consolidation, and conversion of sidewalk on the north side into a spacious walking path. Widened bike lanes with buffers and green conflict zone striping will be installed throughout the Project to provide additional delineation between vehicles and cyclists. New vibrant, drought-tolerant landscaping will be installed to enhance the roadway features. Updated traffic signals and streetlights, with the latest equipment and technology, will replace the existing older traffic signals and lighting. The existing lanes will be repaved at the same time as the widening to provide a new, smooth, and durable roadway.

One lane will remain open in the westbound direction at all times for drivers. A construction speed limit of 30 MPH will continue to be installed and enforced. This configuration will stay in place until the south side work is complete.

Please e-mail questions to Please be sure to include your phone number so we can call you back if more information is needed.

Project Schedule/Construction Updates

Project Schedule - Updated March 12, 2024
Project FAQs - Updated March 12, 2024
Project Renderings