The City of San Ramon is dedicated to reducing its environmental impact and becoming Trash-Free. Polystyrene foam, used in packaging and takeout containers, cannot be composted or easily recycled. It breaks into small, toxic pieces that animals mistake for food. These tiny particles, called microplastics,
are harmful to the environment as they spread through wind and water. In San Ramon, you cannot recycle polystyrene foam through curbside programs run by ACI, the city’s franchise hauler. This material should always be thrown in the trash, not the recycling bin. As a result, the City of San Ramon has banned polystyrene foam foodware. You can view
Ordinance 525: Polystyrene Foam Food Packaging and Foodware Ban here.
Requirements for Food Vendors:
The San Ramon City Council adopted this new ordinance on May 9, 2024. This ordinance covers establishments including restaurants, convenience stores, food trucks, cafeterias, pubs, caterers, coffee shops, grocery stores, and other businesses preparing or packaging food for retail sale.
- Deadline for Use: Businesses must use any remaining polystyrene foam foodware by December 31, 2024.
- Prohibition Details: Food Vendors must not provide food in polystyrene foam packaging or possess such packaging for this purpose.
- Alternative Packaging: All non-reusable food packaging must be recyclable or compostable per the city’s waste hauler program. For information on ACI's recycling and organics program visit www.sanramonrecycles.com/commercial/
- What is polystyrene foam and why is this material banned in San Ramon?
Polystyrene foam is a petroleum-based plastic that doesn't biodegrade and easily breaks into small pieces. Additionally, Polystyrene foam cannot be easily recycled. These pieces often litter waterways and public spaces. Wildlife can mistake polystyrene for food, leading to death if ingested repeatedly.
- Who must comply with the Polystyrene Foam Foodware Ban?
All food service providers and retailers are required to stop using or selling polystyrene foam food packaging by December 31, 2024.
- How do I identify which food packaging/foodware is polystyre foam?
Polystyrene foam food containers are white, lightweight and labeled with the #6 plastic resin code.
- Which type of polystyrene foam foodware items are prohibited?
Cups, plates, bowls, takeout containers, and trays for dining-in and takeout.
- Is “compostable,” “biodegradable,” or “bioplastic” plastic foodware allowed?
No. Products labeled “compostable,” “biodegradable,” or “bioplastic” aren’t allowed in municipal composting programs because this material does not breakdown in the time alloted. This material must always go in the trash.
- Are there Trash-Free alternatives to polystyrene foam foodware?
Yes, there are reusable, recyclable, and compostable foodware options. Here are some wholesale companies that have been popular among businesses.
- Webstaurant - Offers recyclable, reusable, & fiber-based compostable foodware options.
- World Centric - Offers fiber-based compostable foodware options.
- Eco Products - Offers fiber-based compostable foodware options.
- Green Safe Products - Offers fiber-based compostable foodware options.
- HAY! Straws- Offers fiber-based compostable straws and cutlery.