The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a multi-year planning instrument used by the City of San Ramon to identify needed capital projects and to coordinate the financing and timing of improvements in a way that maximizes the return to the public. It is a comprehensive five-year plan of capital improvement projects, which identifies priorities as to need, method of financing, cost and revenues that will result during the five years. The Program is a guide for identifying current and future fiscal year requirements and becomes the basis for determining the annual Capital Budget.
The Capital Budget is the first year of the Capital Improvement Program. The Capital Budget includes one-time costs for projects that may last several years. The projects result in major physical assets in the City. Resources for the Capital Budget are generally provided by bond proceeds, impact fees, grants, and taxes.
The Capital Budget is incorporated in the Annual Budget, which appropriates funds for specific facilities and improvements. Projects slated for subsequent years in the Program are approved on a planning basis and do not receive ultimate expenditure authority until they are eventually incorporated in a Capital Budget. Each year when the CIP is reviewed, the program is moved forward one year and the previous second year of the CIP, as modified after review, becomes the Capital Budget.
If you have any questions, please contact Amy Amiri at or (925) 973-2671, or Rod Wui at or (925) 973-2669.