San Ramon Wish Tree
Wishing trees have a longstanding history in many cultures all over the world. From Turkey, to Japan, to the British Isles and Native American culture, trees have been a place where many go to submit their petitions and make wishes.
Artist, Yoko Ono, brought a Wish Tree installation to America in 2002 as a piece in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Since then, many communities have started their own Wish Trees. The Wish Tree brings communities together to share in their hopes and dreams.
Join the City of San Ramon as we each make a wish for the time that is and is yet to come. Grab a tag, make a wish, and tie it to a branch. Wish Tree supplies will be available March through September with wishes removed periodically to allow the tree grow unhindered. Supplies are available inside the community center, or you can use the electronic form below to submit your wish to be added later.
"Wishes go through storms and trees survive harsh weather; attach your wish to mine and we'll watch them grow together."