Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is an attached or detached dwelling unit located on a lot which contains a single-family or multi-family dwelling. It shall include provisions for living, eating, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. An ADU may include an efficiency unit or manufactured home, but is not considered an accessory building.
A Junior ADU is no more than 500 sq. ft. in size and is contained entirely within an existing single-family structure. A junior ADU may include separate sanitation facilities or may share sanitation facilities with the existing structure.
Pursuant to California Government Code Section 66310 - 66342, as amended and Zoning Ordinance section D4-39, The City of San Ramon allows ADUs and Junior ADUs subject to specific standards and review and approval by the City. For information, and instructions for application and submission, please review the Accessory Dwelling Unit Informational Handout, and Acessory Dwelling Unit Permit Application Packet below:
*Please note the required Deed Restriction must be submitted prior to Building Permit Final Inspection*
Please contact the Planning Services Division at (925) 973-2560 or at if you have any questions about the submittal requirements or the review process.
Permit Ready ADU Program (AB 1332)
The City of San Ramon Permit Ready ADU program accepts submittal of detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) plans by qualified professionals for pre-approval based on standard site conditions in compliance with California Government Code Section 65852.27, as amended. Permit Ready ADU plans shall comply with all requirements as listed in The City of San Ramon Informational ADU Handout and California Government Code Sections 66310 – 66342, as amended. Any site-specific requirements will be verified during the site-specific building permit plan check review process.
For Qualified Professionals:
All qualified professionals are invited to submit applications for pre-approval of ADU plans. Obtain pre-approval by following the steps below:
- Review the Permit Ready ADU Master Plan Application/Checklist (PDF) for submittal requirements.
- Review and complete the City of San Ramon Indemnification Affidavit (PDF)
- Submit the Complete Submittal Packet via email to Please review the Application/Checklist for submittal requirements and instructions. Note that each model plan shall be submitted as a separate permit.
- Once the review is approved, a brief description of the size / type of pre-approved ADU plans and vendor contact information will be featured on this webpage until the City adopts new building or zoning codes. Updated plans shall be submitted through the pre-approval permitting process.
Pre-approved ADU plans are only valid for permit applications submitted under the current code cycle. Complete pre-approved ADU submittal package to be updated to the new code cycle shall be submitted for review and approval in order to be eligible for site specific permit application submitted after the effective date of the new code cycle.
For Homeowners:
- This program is applicable to all eligible properties as outlined by California State Law, and the City of San Ramon Municipal Code.
- Detached pre-approved plans will qualify on parcels with zoning that allow single-family or multi-family residential uses and meet minimum State streamlined ADU requirements
- Detached ADUs shall not be located within any easement. Please contact or (925)973-2670 for questions.
- Any modifications to the pre-approved ADU plans will not qualify for this pre-approved ADU program.
- To apply, please follow the Application and Review Instructions listed above. If choosing to apply using a pre-approved plan, please include the designer and model name on your ADU application forms.
Pre-Approved ADU Plans:
The following is a list of pre-approved ADU plan size/type with vendor contact information for use in the City of San Ramon, subject to limitations as listed under California Government Code Section 65852.27, as amended.
Coming Soon!
Please note that the approval of pre-approved ADU plans does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any specific designer, contractor, or other design professional by the City of San Ramon.