City of San Ramon Financial Outlook and Funding Needs

Staff Report to City Council
In San Ramon, rising costs continue to outpace year-over-year revenue projections. On June 25, 2024, the City Council adopted the 2024/25 Budget, which required navigating a $17.6 million shortfall in revenue.
Click here to learn more about the 2024/25 budget process, which includes $8.1 million in cuts across City departments.
In line with the City’s commitment to maintaining financial stability, budgets must meet the City’s policy of maintaining a General Fund contingency reserve of 36%.
Unmet staffing and operational needs, and many Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) continue to remain unfunded. The City is exploring ways to include critical staffing and infrastructure funding into future balanced budgets to preserve the City’s quality of life. The City continues to evaluate both federal and state grant opportunities for roads, parks, and public safety.
In February 2024, the City mailed an informational brochure with a survey card to all San Ramon households.

The survey was also available online, and residents were invited, via email, text and online videos, to share their funding priorities.
Survey Responses:
In June 2024, the City mailed a follow-up brochure with a summary of the community survey responses, and information about a potential sales tax measure, to all San Ramon households.

> View Survey Results
- At the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 25, the City Council received a presentation on a community poll recently conducted, and provided direction to staff on drafting a sales tax measure for the November 2024 ballot.
Click here to watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube (item begins at 55:33)
- At the City Council Meeting on July 23, the City Council unanimously voted to place a one cent per dollar (1%) sales tax measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot.
City Council Resolution & Proposed Ordinance
Frequently Asked Questions