At the City Council meeting on January 30, 2023, the City Council adopted the 2023–2031 Housing Element of the General Plan 2040, creating a plan to meet the housing needs of our community over the next eight years, from 2023–2031.
On February 27, 2023, the California Department of Housing and Community Development
(HCD) found the City of San Ramon’s revised Adopted 2023–2031 Housing
Element to be in substantial compliance with State Housing Element Law.
San Ramon is the first city in Contra Costa County and the Tri-Valley to receive certification.
Cities that do not have their Housing Element certified by
California’s HCD may be subject to the “Builder’s Remedy,” and could
cause cities to lose control over certain land use entitlement decisions
for projects that include housing, under the state’s Housing
Accountability Act (HAA).
The adopted 2023–2031 Housing Element (City Council Resolution No. 2023-017) is available below:
Updates to the rest of the General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan will be reviewed at future public meetings.
To learn more about the adopted Housing Element, and to receive project updates on the General Plan, please visit PlanSanRamon.com