Westside Specific Plan Amendment and El Nido Senior Assisted Living Development
The Applicant/Property Owner of 19251 San Ramon Valley Boulevard has filed Specific Plan Amendment, Development Plan, Land Use Permit, Architectural Review and Environmental Review applications for a new 84-bed Residential Care Facility on a 0.7-acre site at the corner of San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Westside Drive. The site currently consists of a vacant single-family residential house. The development project is located within the Westside Specific Plan area with a current land use designation of ‘Park’; the Applicant is requesting a land use change to ‘Residential’ to match the current General Plan ‘Residential’ land use designation and associated amendments to the Specific Plan to facilitate the care facility development. The Applicant is also proposing the relocation and preservation of the historic Harlan House on-site. The Proposed Project includes infrastructure improvements, including subterranean parking and landscaping.