Updated: June 4, 2020
CCSP Update Public Review Draft,
released May 13, 2020
Adopted in October 2006, the Crow Canyon Specific Plan (CCSP) provides a vision for a 128-acre office and service commercial area of San Ramon that is currently underutilized, but has the potential to develop into an active, mixed use center for the community. The purpose of the Plan is to guide coordinated development that responds to citywide and regional objectives while considering the needs of the existing neighborhood. The goal is to create a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use community that includes concentrated commercial and residential uses, while maintaining viable light industrial and service commercial uses which wish to remain.
City is embarking on a comprehensive update to the CCSP in light of
changes to the potential vision for the area as a result of the
elimination of redevelopment funding sources and recent community
development. The update analyzes existing conditions and economic
trends, evaluate environmental impacts, and review potential land use
and development standards modifications.
- A public participation and outreach effort began in Fall 2018.
- The City adopted the Draft Preferred Alternative Land Use Plan in September 2019.
- The Public Review Draft was released on May 13, 2020.
- On May 19, 2020, the Planning Commission held the first of a series of public hearings.
- Review
by the Planning Commission and City Council will continue through the
summer with adoption of the Plan anticipated in Summer 2020.
For more information on the proposed update, contact the Planning Services Division at (925) 973-2560.

- September 18, 2018 Workshop
- October 2, 2018 Workshop
- December 4, 2018 Workshop
- February 5, 2019 Study Session
- July 16, 2019 Workshop
- August 20, 2019 Workshop
- September 10, 2019 City Council Meeting
- September 17, 2019 Workshop
- November 19, 2019 Workshop
- May 19, 2020 Planning Commission Public Hearing No. 1
- June 2, 2020 Planning Commission Public Hearing No. 2
- June 16 2020 Planning Commission Public Hearing No. 3