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Clean Harbors Logo Clean Harbors has been contracted by the City to provide this appointments-only service to remove difficult-to-dispose of materials like household batteries, chemicals, paints, e-waste, and fluorescent lamps directly from residents’ doorsteps. The waste must be specially packaged for collection to ensure the safe handling of the materials.

San Ramon residents (or property managers on behalf of their tenants) can call 1-800-433-5060, or fill out a request form on the    Clean Harbors website to schedule an appointment.

HHW Doorhanger



Pharmaceuticals: Click here to learn how to properly recycle and dispose of those items with the San Ramon Police Department.  In addition, many local pharmacies  now accept unwanted medicines from the public.
Medical Sharps: Safely dispose needles and other medical sharps is the drop-off kiosk in front of the San Ramon Safety Complex at 2401 Crow Canyon Rd. Click herefor directions.
Used Motor Oil and Filters: Contact ACI at (925) 380-9480 or to request curbside collection containers
Electronics: Set out for recycling on neighborhood clean-up days
Household Batteries: Recycle weekly without calling for a pick-up by containing the batteries in a bag and placing them on top of your recycling cart

Re-fillable 16 oz (camping) propane canisters at Sports Basement - 1041 Market Place

To find guidance on disposing of items not mentioned on this page, click the re:source logo below.

re:source logo

Central Contra Costa Household Hazardous Waste Facility

San Ramon residents, and businesses which generate small quantities of hazardous wastes are eligible to use the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District/Mt. View Sanitary District Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility located at 4797 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Hazardous waste generated from households in the central Contra Costa County area will be accepted at no charge upon drop-off. The facility's hours are on Monday, through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. for residents (no appointment necessary), and Monday through Saturday for businesses by appointment only.
  • State regulations limit the transportation of HHW to 15 gallons or 125 pounds per vehicle per visit. Individual containers are limited to a 5 gallon capacity. There are no limitations on the number of visits per day.

To reach the facility, take Highway 680 north to Highway 4. Take Highway 4 toward Pittsburg (east) and exit at Solano Way. Go under the highway, turning left at Arnold Industrial Way/Imhoff Drive. Turn left at Imhoff Place, where you will see the facility on your right. When transporting household hazardous waste, use closed containers and carefully pack them to prevent tipping, spillage, or breakage during transport.

If you have any questions or need more information, please call the Central San HHW Hotline at (800) 646-1431. or visit the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District website.