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Development Engineering is responsible for review and approval of public and private improvements (excluding buildings) for new residential and commercial development. Development Engineering review may include, but is not limited to, the following:
  • Review of subdivision or parcel maps and improvement plans for conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and all applicable City standards and regulations
  • Review of new commercial development, geotechnical, and hydrology studies and calculations
  • Review of stormwater control plans and conformance with the Regional Water Quality Control Board Municipal Regional Permit
  • Review of joint utility trench plans, site development plans, traffic studies, preparation of project conditions of approval, review of roadway, signal, lighting, drainage, and landscaping plans
  • Review of Lot Line Adjustments, Certificates of Correction, Certificates of Conformance, and survey monument checks
  • Any other development activities as needed to ensure high standards of quality, safety, and functionality

Typically, plans and reports are submitted to Development Engineering for review and issuance of permits for any site development improvements to be performed within the City (excluding buildings and structures) whether public or private.


The Dougherty Valley is a master-planned community of approximately 11,000 units that was approved in 1994 by Contra Costa County. The two developers for the Dougherty Valley are Shapell Industries and Windemere BLC. Contra Costa County processes the development applications and works in conjunction with the City to determine when public improvements are completed. The County accepts the public improvements as complete, and the City then follows to accept the public improvements for maintenance and ownership. Public improvements include roadways, sidewalks, roadway landscape, parks, trails, water quality and detention ponds, storm drainage infrastructure, bridges, open space, and community facilities.

THE PRESERVE PROJECT (Formerly Faria Preserve)


Standard Plans and Details 

Irrigation System and Landscape Planting/Maintenance Specifications

For questions regarding public or private development review and submittal requirements please contact the Engineering Services at (925) 973-2670.

Key Personnel:

Roderick Wui, P.E., City Engineer (925) 973-2669
Chris Low, Associate Engineer (925) 973-2682
 Eric Ramos, Assistant Engineer (925) 973-2698