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San Ramon Art and Wind Festival

The Art & Wind Festival

Blowing Back into San Ramon 

May 25-26, 2025

Applications for 2025 are open now!

colorful artwork of the A&W festival
'San Ramon Today’ by 2025 Art & Wind Festival featured Artist Paula Kim

Let's go fly a kite!  at The San Ramon Art & Wind Festival, the BEST festival in the East Bay. The Art & Wind Festival is scheduled for Sunday and Monday,  May 25-26, 2025 in San Ramon's Central Park, 12501 Alcosta Boulevard from 11am to 6pm both days.

This annual event features fine arts, crafts and specialty food vendors, 3 entertainment stages headlining international music, party bands and variety entertainers, children's shows,  gourmet food courts, family amusement zones, professional choreographed kite flying demonstrations, and free kite making workshop. 

The Art and Wind Festival is a pet friendly, bike friendly and family friendly event!

To be a part of the festival as a sponsor, non-profit business vendor, food and beverage vendor, entertainment or activity vendor at the best festival in the East Bay please submit an application. 

  The City of San Ramon will abide by all State and County policies in place at the time of the Festival.  


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