Current Co-Sponsorship Policy for Athletic Facility Users
The City of San Ramon recognizes the need for diversity in its services and the organizations that provide them. Accordingly, the City's Parks and Community Services Department offers a variety of broad-based recreational, educational, and social activities and programs. However, some groups and organizations offer services not entirely provided by the City. These additional services can effectively supplement existing recreational, educational, and social activities and programs and, in so doing, enhance the City's offerings to encourage an active, healthy, enriched, and well-rounded community. Likewise, these activities generally rely on publicly-controlled facilities (such as the City or School District).
The City of San Ramon's Co-Sponsorship policy is designed to:
- Provide the greatest number of residents and employees of San Ramon businesses regular access to City facilities (i.e., fields, pools, gyms).
- Provide an equitable means of sharing a finite amount of City facilities across a diverse range of services and programs.
- Ensure inclusive recreational opportunities for San Ramon youth; comply with the Fair Play in Community Sports Act while preserving a means of access for adult recreation.
- Protect and maintain City facilities for long-term viability and future generation use.
- Support groups who provide a service to the community that the City does not at publicly-controlled facilities.
This policy aims to outline the co-sponsorship program policies for the permitted use of athletic facilities in the City. Due to the limited number of facilities, the Parks and Community Services Department (PCS) has established criteria for priority use with the goal of fair and equitable distribution among all users. PCS will grant priority use to city residents and San Ramon businesses' employees per this policy and monitor the proper use of allocations and permits.
The City has experienced tremendous growth in local sports participation, including new and emerging sports organizations. This growth is anticipated to continue. As a result, PCS has already experienced increased demand for the use of city and school district athletic facilities and finds it necessary to ration the use of all athletic facilities among present and future sports organizations.
Some of the Benefits of Co-Sponsorship:
- Priority reservations for facility usage at the lowest available rates.
- Scheduling for requested practices and games on a quarterly basis.
- Tournaments / Special Events are excluded from the Co-Sponsorship facility allocation process and must be applied for and coordinated independently with PCS staff.
- “Best Efforts” of Parks and Community Services Department staff to accommodate facility preferences and requests.
- Approval status is granted for two-year increments.
- One non-routine maintenance request per year will be considered.
- Permissible use of temporary sponsor advertising with City approval.