The purpose of the Housing Advisory Committee is to advise the Planning Commission through the staff regarding policies that will facilitate the implementation of housing programs and to create and retain housing in the City of San Ramon affordable to households with incomes below 120% of the area median.
The charge of the Housing Advisory Committee is to:
- Provide advice regarding affordable housing programs, guidelines and policies consistent with the Housing Element of the City of San Ramon General Plan.
- Provide advice regarding opportunities for the development of housing affordable to those households with extremely low, low and moderate income.
- Assist staff and the Planning Commission to promote greater public understanding and acceptance of affordable housing.
- Provide advice regarding the expenditures of the funds that are set aside for affordable housing programs.
- Make recommendations to the Planning Commission and staff regarding affordable housing preferences and program eligibility criteria.
- Provide advocacy for establishing and maintaining a diversity of housing types and opportunities in the City of San Ramon.
Term Expires: July 2025 |
Term Expires: July 2024 |
Term Expires: July 2025 |
Term Expires: July 2024 |
Term Expires: July 2025 |
Ryan Driscoll - Associate Planner
(925) 973-2568