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Requirements for Single-Family & Multifamily Properties

Like businesses, residents are required to divert organics from the landfill. Organic waste in landfills emits 20% of the state’s methane, a climate super pollutant 84 times more potent than CO2. Organic waste, like the examples below, makes up half of what Californians send to landfills.

Informational Graphic

These strategies will reduce harmful super pollutants with significant warming impacts and is essential to achieving California’s climate goals.

Here is a helpful video to get more information.

Requirements for Single-Family Properties:

  • Organics collection: Residents must subscribe to and participate in the City’s organic curbside collection.
  • Residents must sort out their recyclables and organics to allow for the proper sorting and recovery of organics from the trash. For educational resources, visit the ACI of San Ramon website.

Need a kitchen pail? Contact ACI of San Ramon at (925) 380-9480 or at

Food Pail

What Belongs in the Organics?

SB 1383 also requires regular audits on trash, recycling, and organics routes to check bins for contamination (recycling and organics incorrectly sorted). ACI and City staff will conduct audits and offer sorting information to residents.

Requirements for Multifamily Properties

  • Provide organics collection: Property managers and owners of multifamily properties (5+ units) are required to provide organics service for tenant food waste and manage all landscaping debris generated at the site.

  • Landscaper requirements: If you have a landscaper, you must verify that they are delivering all removed landscaping debris to a compost facility or utilizing your on-site green organics cart.

  • Provide recycling & organics sorting Information. Under the law, Multifamily property owners must provide information on recycling and organics to tenants annually and upon move-in and upon notice of move-out. To request a kitchen pail for new tenants, contact ACI. For educational resources, visit the ACI of San Ramon website. To schedule a presentation for multiple tenants, contact ACI at (925) 380-9480 or at

Organics - Where Do They Go?

Organics Lifecycle Graphic

Learn more about what happens to your food scraps and yard waste.

Organics: Where to Report Contamination

Have you discovered a local business placing gloves, black bags, or Styrofoam in their green organics container? The City can provide the business with educational support and signage.

Submit a complaint at the Citizen Request Management System found here.
Please select the Organics Contamination Complaint as shown below.

Need Assistance?

For questions about your organics service, contact ACI of San Ramon at (925) 380-9480 or at

ACI San Ramon

Help reduce food waste!

  • Host a food-waste-free dinner by using the GUEST-IMATOR tool here.
  • Meal prep to waste less food. Check out this tool for tips on how to meal prep.
  • Learn creative ways to store veggies, dairy, protein, etc. Click here to start learning.
  • Compost! Composting is a helpful way to use food scraps and provide nutrients to your garden. For more information, visit Contra Costa County's website.