On March 16th, 2018, the San Ramon Police Department was made aware of a 46 year old San Ramon resident who allegedly committed lewd and lascivious acts on multiple juveniles. These unlawful acts were reported to have occurred over the past three years.
After learning of the reported crimes, members of the San Ramon Police Department launched an investigation. As part of the investigation; search warrants and an arrest warrant were served at a residence in San Ramon. The suspect, Thomas Jon Pancoast, 11/16/1971, was arrested and booked into the Martinez Detention Facility on numerous charges.
On March 23rd, 2018, the case was presented to the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office. The following charges were filed in a formal complaint:
1. (11) Counts of PC288(a) – Lewd and Lascivious Act on Child Under 14
2. (2) Counts of PC261(a)(3) – Rape of Intoxicated Woman
3. (5) Counts of PC288(c)(1) – Lewd and Lascivious Acts on a Minor 14-15.
4. (2) Counts of PC289(e) - Sexual Penetration by Object on Intoxicated Person
In addition to the crimes listed above, there are numerous enhancements. Mr. Pancoast is currently being held on $12.7 Million bail.
To date, four victims have come forward. There is a possibility that additional victims have not yet been identified. If you have any information that would help assist the San Ramon Police Department in the continued investigation of this case, please contact us at (925) 973-2763.
The picture below is the booking photograph of Mr. Pancoast.

The San Ramon Police Department would like to remind parents to speak with their children about following safe practices:
- If you see something, say something.
- Parents can teach young children about the privacy of body parts, and that no one has the right to touch their bodies if they don’t want that to happen.
- Immediately notify a school official, parent, or a trusted responsible friend if they observe strange activity.
Always remember; if you see something, say something. The safety of children is one of the San Ramon Police Department’s top priorities. Please report any unusual incidents by calling our dispatch center at (925) 973-2779.