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Become an Instructor


Information due August 8th
(Starts 11/1 – 3/31)

Spring & Summer Camps
Information due October 14th
(Starts 3/1 – 8/15)

Information due November 28th
(Starts 6/1 – 8/31)

Information due April 28th
(Starts 9/1-12/31) 


  • Adult Enrichment
  • Aquatics
  • Forest Home Farms
  • Health & Fitness
  • Preschool
  • Seniors
  • Teens
  • Therapeutic Programs
  • Visual & Performing Arts Programs
  • Youth Programs Grades K-12


The process is simple. Complete the Program Proposal Form with information about your program.

  1. Two descriptions are needed.
    1. The first one describes your program in detail. The Parks and Community Services Department wants to know what goes on in your class.
    2. The second is a written description to sell your program to the public in our Recreation Guide.

  2. You must compute your own price. IRS rules regarding contracting for classes prohibit the Department from setting your price. You can figure you’re per hour rate in this way. Select the lowest fee per hour you will work, multiply this fee by the number of hours you will spend in teaching this class. Divide this number by the minimum number of students you will teach. Now, divide this number by .5 (instructors are paid 50% of the resident fees collected). A Staff member can walk you through the formula.

  3. Classes for which the Department will not accept proposals are as follows:
    1. Financial Planning or Retirement Seminars - Many firms rent our facility and do these programs free. If you would like to rent one of our rooms, contact the Facilities Coordinator at 973-3208. The Alcosta Senior and Community Center may have alternative options for these types of programs. Please contact the Recreation Supervisor at the Alcosta Senior and Community Center for additional information at 973-3207.
    2. Programs that are similar to programs we currently offer. (You should read the most recent copy of our Department’s Activity Guide available online at
    3. Programs we have offered in the past that were cancelled (unless you can show that you have the necessary number of participants who are interested).
    4. Submitting a Proposal does not guarantee that the class or activity will automatically be added to the City of San Ramon’s public recreation offering. Additionally, once added, no guarantees are made that the City of San Ramon will automatically continue to offer the activity or program.

Contract Instructor Requirements

If your proposal is accepted, you will need to meet the below requirements. For detailed information on these requirements, please refer to Section IX of the Contract Instructor Manual.

  • City of San Ramon Business License
  • Fingerprinting
  • Form W-9 “Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification”
  • Commercial General Liability Insurance
  • Additional Insured Endorsement Certificate naming the City of San Ramon and its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers
  • Proof of Automobile Insurance
  • Workers’ Compensation (required when Contract Instructor has employees), or No Employees Declaration Form
  • Mandated Reporting
  • Tuberculosis Testing
  • Sexual Abuse & Molestation (S.A.M) Coverage

Independent Contract Instructor Handbook

You must include the dates of your class. You must be specific. Do not leave them blank because a staff member will call you for the dates. All facility information is computerized. This means a date needs to be entered before a conflict can be detected.

Become an Instructor

Instructor Name:

Contract Program: Yes  No         San Ramon Resident: Yes No

Proposed Program/Event Title:

Short Course Description (50 words max): 

Detailed Course Description:

What is the intended OUTCOME of this program/event (other than revenue and number of participants)?
Must be simple, specific and measurable - how will we know the outcome has been met? (Ex. At end of session, participant will pass karate belt test and move to the next level)

How will the outcome be measured? (Pre and post test, survey/observation) Be specific and provide examples if possible.

Recreation Guide Description (100 word and benefit oriented description)

Competitive Research

Why are you proposing this program/event? (Be specific, i.e. trends, competition, need in the community, etc)

Who is your target market?

Is any other organization offering this in the Tri-Valley (Danville, Dublin, Pleasanton) Yes  No
If yes, list source:

What is your competitive advantage?

Class Information

Class Date(s):

Class Time(s):

Course Fee: (Fee paid by participants. Instructor payment is 50% of the course fee.)

Additional Materials Fee (Collected by Instructor, If Applicable):

Minimum number of participants:   Maximum number of participants:

Participant Ages:    Instructor/Participant Ratio:

What facility and/or room are you proposing to use?

Could your program be drop-in? Yes  No

Experience or pre-requisites needed before taking the class:

Recent Instructor Experience:
Date: Contact Person: Phone: Agency: Reason for Leaving:

Date: Contact Person: Phone: Agency: Reason for Leaving:

Date: Contact Person: Phone: Agency: Reason for Leaving:

Instructor Information

Business/Organization/Individual Name:

Address: City:   Zip:

Day Time Phone:    Cell Phone:

Email Address: Website:

Make checks payable to: Instructor Business

Upon approval of this proposal, instructors will be required to complete the following. Please initial beside each line below:

Complete fingerprinting & a TB Test

Provide insurance & worker’s compensation

Provide a completed W-9

Read instructor handbook

Instructor Acknowledgement:

I acknowledge that I have read, accept and understand the information and conditions that involve me or my company contracting as an Independent Contractor with the City of San Ramon. Submitting a proposal does not guarantee that the class or activity will automatically be added to the City of San Ramon’s public recreation offering. Additionally, once added no guarantees are made that the City of San Ramon will automatically continue offering the activity or program.

Signature:    Date:

Security Measure